Consortium Publisher Canada - ICDTD Inc

process and publish the scientific research data obtained after successful completion of the projects of relevant fields. We cover a wide range of academic disciplines including business, humanities, health, life and social sciences. We ensure the timely publication of high quality research work. Additionally, our all journald are open access and comply with the definition of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to fulfil the requirements of open access. The copyrights of scholarly published work is awarded for the usage of open license as described by Creative Commons.Consortium Publisher Canada is currently using the OJS of Public Knowledge Project (PKP). This is an open source software application, used to manage and publish our scholarly journals. It is a wide open source platform with over 10,000 usages worldwide. We are upgrading our OJS, therefore submit article by click here

Canadian Journal of Applied Sciences
Canadian Journal of Applied Sciences
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 1925-7430
Starting Year: 2011 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Biology, Medical & Life sciences, Medicine, Health, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biomechanics, Biophysics, Ecology, Ethology, Evolutionary developmental biology, Histology, Immunology, Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences
Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 2520-5986
Starting Year: 2016 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Anthropology, Art, Music, Media, Ethics, History, Archaeology, criticism, Interdisciplinary Studies, Culture, Jurisprudence, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Political science, Religions and Sociology.
Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology
Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 2412-2580
Starting Year: 2014 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Molecular biology, Chemical pathology, Reproduction, Recombination, Gene regulation/ expression, Cell biology, Mutations, Selection and evolution, Model organisms, Biochemistry, Enzymology, Biotechnology, Cell dynamic and Tissue biology.
Advanced Business and Finance
Advanced Business and Finance
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 2520-5951
Starting Year: 2016 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Accounting & Finance Banking & Finance Banking Management Business & Accounting Business & Information Technology Business Accounting & Finance Business Feasibility Reports Business Studies Combined Studies Commercial Banking
Advanced Engineering and Technology
Advanced Engineering and Technology
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Starting Year: 2016 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, magnetism, Electricity, electronics, Software Engineering, Mechanisms, Information Technology, Computer engineering, Transportation, Management, Environment, Designing, Chemical engineering, Metallurgical, Polymerization, and Materials.
Journal of Experimental Physics
Journal of Experimental Physics
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 2520-5994
Starting Year: 2016 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Numerical Analysis Mathematical Statistics Computer Applications Group Theory Rings and Modules Number Theory Fluid Mechanics Quantum Mechanics Special Theory of Relativity and Analytical Mechanics
Advanced Geosciences
Advanced Geosciences
Publication Fee: There is no article handling, publication or open access charges for this journal right now.
ISSN: 2520-5978
Starting Year: 2016 Frequency: Yearly
Subject & Scope: Ecology, Biostratigraphy, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geophysics, Marine Geochemistry, Marine Geophysics, Earth's interior, Earth's atmosphere, Earth's magnetic field, Earth's spheres, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere (geosphere) and Pedosphere.
Advanced Calculation and Analysis