Authors: Humera Khatoon, Safila Naveed1 and Kiran Shahid
Keywords:Awareness, Angina pectoris, Pharm D students.

Objective of this study is to determine the awareness among student of Pharm D with Angina Pectoris (AP) regarding the disease, sign & symptoms and treatment.The term Angina Pectoris is applied to varying forms of transient chest discomfort that are attributable to insufficient myocardial oxygen. The classic description of angina is a crushing pain that radiates through the chest and sometimes down the arm, neck, teeth /jaw or into the back, which is usually aggravated by exertion or stress. Angina is a warning sign that the heart muscle is not getting adequate blood supply and specially oxygen and it may lead to myocardial infarction or a heart attack. Therefore, a survey was performed to investigate the awareness of angina pectoris among Pharm D students of JUW Karachi. A questionnaire on angina pectoris was publicized and distributed among Pharm D students from Feburary to March 2014. The questionnaire included 6 six questions and covered the disease ,types of angina , sign & symptoms of angina , physical examination and diagnostic tests required to be done and treatment of angina pectoris. From the questionnaire we observed that Pharmacy fifth year students are well aware about the disease as compare to third year students specially about diagnostic test and treatment. We have got highly significant difference < 0.005 p value for diagnostic test and treatment . From the survey we conclude that pharmacy student well aware about the disease.

Article Type:Original research article
Received: 2014-07-05
Accepted: 2014-07-20
First Published:12/3/2024 9:03:32 PM
First Page & Last Page: 81 - 89
Collection Year:2014