From the macro to micro evidence of existence of God
Authors: Dr. Zahid Ahmad Khan

macro, micro, evidence, exixtence.


The Holy Qur’an is a living miracle, which presents proof of the existence of the All Powerful
Creator. The claims are now backed by scientific research. From the orderly and balanced
universe to the single cell organisms. The precise calibration of the laws governing the universe and the unraveling of the forces and interactions points to a single entity at its
inception. Scientific advancements that impact on our life which were predicted centuries
ago also lend support to the existence of the Creator. Belief in the unseen and the elusive
jinn also direct our attention to the Creator.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-10-02
Accepted: 2018-10-20
First Published:2/16/2025 5:13:07 PM
First Page & Last Page: 35 - 36
Collection Year:2018