Authors: Dr. Aslam Daud

Miracle, Life.


The fact that the Holy Qur`an contains knowledge that remains valid and true for all
periods of time is a miracle by itself. Specially, the knowledge of human body and
creation of life as mentioned in the Holy Qur`an is one of the greatest proofs that it
is a word of God.It was impossible for any human being to know and explain this very complicated
topic in the simplest possible way that made sense at that time and remains
accurate after 15 hundred years of continuous research.
Human embryology – a study of how human body develops in the womb of a
mother is a fascinating topic that has intrigued the scientists for centuries. While
new research is bringing out new information in embryology and anatomy, at the
same time, pondering over verses of Holy Qur`an also brings new meaning to
these verses.
The astonishing fact is that the verses of Holy Qur`an continue to remain current
and newly derived interpretations are perfectly in line with the new research
bewildering the minds with hidden treasures of Holy Qur`an.
This presentation demonstrates, how the Holy Qur`an beautifully starts with the
mention of the creation of life from amino acids, originating from the elements of
the earth – that are called building blocks of life, then from human sperm that joins
with the human egg to form a clot. The clot then transforms into a lump of flesh
which continues to evolve in the form of human body. During this process, various
scientific phenomenon takes place that are mentioned in the Holy Qur`an in most
simplified narration which is understandable to people of all times

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2014-06-05
Accepted: 2014-06-15
First Published:2/16/2025 5:09:07 PM
First Page & Last Page: 3 - 4
Collection Year:2014