Authors: Shafeeqa Irfan, Shahid Mahmood, Alina Khalid

Food security, population, food insecurity, literature.


Food security is a physical and economic access of all people and at all time to safe, nutritious and sufficient food that fulfill food preferences and dietary needs to attain healthy, and an active lifestyle. A food secure country has enough food supply (per capital food availability) to fulfils its’ food demand (per capita food required). While, food insecurity exists in a country when people are having inadequate economic, social or physical access to food. Food security requires an attention that must be paid at different levels (national, regional, household and individual). In various studies, it has been reported that about half of Pakistan’s population is food insecure and per capita dietary energy supply exceeds per capital dietary energy consumption. In 2016, FAO reported that Pakistan has alarm bells in food security situation. In south-east Asia, during 2011-15 after Afghanistan, Pakistan has shown worst performance in decreasing undernourishment (-3 %). During 2004 - 16, Pakistan has encountered conflict, natural shocks and crisis period of food price, this situation worsens Pakistan’s susceptibility to food insecurity. Except in 2015 - 16, food insecurity incidence is approximately above 30 % in all regions of Pakistan.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-19
First Published:12/11/2024 6:13:26 PM
First Page & Last Page: 93 - 94
Collection Year:2019