Journal of Applied Pharmacy

Authors: Uzma Saleem, Bashir Ahmad, Khalid Hussain, Alia Erum

Keywords: Stress, Depression, stressors


Depression is a disorder in which a person is unfit physically and mentally. WHO stated it is the fourth major cause of passing disable life. It reduces individual’s productive life and leads to premature mortality. From last 20 years a great research has been done to find relationship between life stress and depression. Stress is not the sole causative factor, but genetic as well as biological changes in the depressed individual play important role in the onset of depression. Other predisposing factors for depression include childhood stress such as by ignorance by family, early loss of parents, physical or sexual abuse, no social support, financial loss etc. Stressful life events can lead to depression has been explored by many researchers and concluded that stressful life-events can arouse or trigger depression episodes in susceptible individuals.

Article Type:Original research article
Received: 2013-10-05
Accepted: 2013-10-20
First Published:5/7/2024 12:23:12 PM
First Page & Last Page: 118 - 123
Collection Year:2013