Furosemide; Medicine stability; Post-market surveillance; Quality control; Sri Lanka; Storage conditions.
Improper storage conditions can affect the pharmaceutical quality and stability of medicines.
This study evaluated the in vitropharmaceutical quality and stability of furosemide tablets under two different storage conditions.
Two generic and one branded furosemide 40 mg tablet formulations were collected from Karapitiya healthcare facilities. Samples were stored for 30 days in the same packaging material as dispensed. A time zero analysis (T0) and stability analysis after one month (T1) were carried out following BP/IP guidelines. Both recommended (T1R) and home (T1H) storage conditions were used to test the stability. T1R mimicked the manufacturer's recommendation (20-25 °C, RH 57%-65%) while T1H mimicked the environmental conditions in a tropical room (27-46 °C, RH 33%-88%).
All samples tested at T0 and T1R complied with official limits of quality parameters except the hardness test (<40 N). At T1H analysis, all samples met the acceptance limits for weight variation (<7.5%), and disintegration (<15 min) tests except hardness (<40 N), friability (>1%), and assay (<95%). Only under home storage conditions, generic samples in polythene packages showed discoloration.
Furosemide tablets stored under recommended storage conditions were within the defined quality specifications and remained stable for 30 days. However, home storage conditions can negatively impact the drugs’ stability.