Journal of Applied Pharmacy

Authors: Azhar Hussain, Madeeha Malik, Rabia Iram

Keywords: Medicines, storage, trends, practices.


The review concluded that consumers store a good number of medicines inappropriately at different places including bedroom, kitchen, on shelves and in reach of children at home. This reflects that consumers are not well informed regarding proper storage of medicines at home even at point of purchase. Such inappropriate practices could also lead to irrational drug use like accidental poisoning by children, self-medication, sharing of medicines, unsafe disposal harming environment resulting in wastage of resources spent on medicines from manufacture to delivery. There is strong need to provide legislative support in terms of restriction on sale of POM medicines. Participative role of pharmacist can help improve safe storage and use of medicines at home and ensure effectiveness of therapy.

Article Type:Original research article
Received: 2016-12-02
Accepted: 2017-01-27
First Published:4/29/2024 5:01:57 PM
First Page & Last Page: 1 - 14
Collection Year:2016