Journal of Applied Pharmacy

Authors: Amber Nawab, Samina Alam

Keywords: Metronidazole, milk, oil, in vitro dissolution, one way Anova

Objective: The aim of the study was to confirm the interaction of food with metronidazole 400 mg tablet with diverse dissolution medium like milk, oil and gastric fluid to observe the effects of physiological changes in terms of absorbance. Study design: experimental study. Place and duration: Jinnah University for Women, over six months Method: The brand Flagyl (metronidazole) 400 mg were purchased from the local pharmacies of Karachi (Pakistan) for the evaluation of dissolution profile in diverse medium. Results: The outcomes related to this research study are clearly showing that all the results come out within the specified limits of BP/USP which is not less 85 %. The results of one way Anova test between the groups and within the groups showing significant difference i.e. p value < 0.05.Multiple comparisons also performed by Turkey HSD and LSD test of standards with diverse dissolution mediums showing a significant difference between the medium i.e. p value <0.05.Conclusions: We concluded from our study that metronidazole is not contraindicated with milk, oil with gastric fluid
Article Type:Original research article
Received: 2020-05-25
Accepted: 2021-12-02
First Published:2021-02-15
First Page & Last Page: 14 - 22
Collection Year:2021